Project management

As an independent party, Infinum assists construction clients in realizing their projects. Through targeted coordination and communication with all stakeholders throughout the entire construction process, we transparently translate the client's interests to all parties involved.

Windmolens op de akkers

From Project Definition to Delivery

Architects, private clients, and public clients can all rely on our services, whether it's for a complete concept or a specific aspect thereof.

Our neutrality and technical expertise ensure expert management of your project, with a focus on aspects such as planning, budget, and quality.


Safety Coordinator Level A
Safety for Operational Supervisors - VCA (VOL - VCA)

Project Definition

What is the scope of the project? This is a crucial question for any construction project. We determine the timeline and budget for the project and assess its feasibility. We prepare a detailed project plan for this purpose.

Administration and Documentation Preparation and Monitoring

Infinum ensures that all administration and documentation are in order. This includes obtaining the necessary permits and approvals, preparing tender documents, managing contracts and agreements, and meticulously tracking project progress and costs.

Delegated Construction Management

We act as delegated construction managers at all site and coordination meetings, from kick-off to final delivery. Central to this role is the supervision of planning, budget, and quality. We oversee the work of contractors and suppliers, communicate project progress, and address any issues that arise during the project.

Building the Project Team

We assemble the appropriate team to successfully tackle all challenges of the construction project. We have a broad network of experts and specialists with various areas of expertise, including soil researchers, remediation experts, environmental impact assessment firms, technical or structural engineering firms, energy experts, safety coordinators, and architects.

Finished projects


Redevelopment ex-ikea site Ternat

Demolition of the former Ikea with new construction of 15 units.
Check project

Development Quartier Blue Hasselt

Reconversion of a former industrial site into a new district on the Hasseltse Kanaalkom.
Check project

Do you want more information?

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would like more information about our project management services.

Een kraan naast een hoog gebouw